Undefining some stuff to make keybind prefixes work correctly.
:keymaps 'global-map
"<mouse-2>" nil
"<mouse-3>" nil)
:packages '(counsel)
"U" '(evil-redo :package evil)
"C-a" #'beginning-of-line
"C-e" #'end-of-line
"C-y" #'yank
"M-y" '(counsel-yank-pop :package counsel))
"<f5>" #'compile
"<f6>" #'recompile)
"SPC" '(counsel-M-x :wk "M-x")
"'" '(shell-pop :package shell-pop)
"R" #'recompile
"u" #'universal-argument
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-tabs, prefix="TAB ")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-apps, prefix="a")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-apps-shell, prefix="as")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-treemacs, prefix="at")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-buffers, prefix="b")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-code, prefix="c")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-errors, prefix="e")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-files, prefix="f")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-git, prefix="g")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-help, prefix="h")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-insert, prefix="i")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-jump, prefix="j")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-language, prefix="l")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-media, prefix="m")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-org, prefix="o")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-refactor, prefix="r")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-toggle, prefix="t ")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-text, prefix="T")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-windows, prefix="w")>>
<<general-keybindings-gen(table=keybindings-quit, prefix="q")>>)
Here are my apps keybindings. Each one of them is prefixed by a
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | apps | |
c | calc | | |
C | | calendar | |
CC | calendar | | |
Co | org-agenda | | org |
Cs | org-caldav-sync | | org-caldav |
d | docker | | docker |
E | elfeed | | elfeed |
e | | email | |
ec | mu4e-compose-new | | mu4e |
em | mu4e | | mu4e |
k | keycast-mode | | keycast |
K | keycast-log-mode | | keycast |
m | | mastodon | |
mm | mastodon | | mastodon |
mn | mastodon-notifications-get | | mastodon |
mt | mastodon-toot | | mastodon |
T | tetris | | |
S | screenshot | | screenshot |
w | wttrin | | wttrin |
I also have two main shell-related functions, prefixed with as
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | shells | |
e | eshell-new | | |
v | vterm | | vterm |
V | multi-vterm | | multi-vterm |
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | treemacs | |
c | | create | |
cd | treemacs-create-dir | | treemacs |
cf | treemacs-create-file | | treemacs |
ci | treemacs-create-icon | | treemacs |
ct | treemacs-create-theme | | treemacs |
cw | treemacs-create-workspace | | treemacs |
d | treemacs-delete-file | | treemacs |
f | | files | |
ff | treemacs-find-file | | treemacs |
ft | treemacs-find-tag | | treemacs |
l | | lsp | |
ls | treemacs-expand-lsp-symbol | | treemacs |
ld | treemacs-expand-lsp-treemacs-deps | | treemacs |
lD | treemacs-collapse-lsp-treemacs-deps | | treemacs |
lS | treemacs-collapse-lsp-symbol | | treemacs |
p | | projects | |
pa | treemacs-add-project-to-workspace | | treemacs |
pf | treemacs-project-follow-mode | | treemacs |
pn | treemacs-project-of-node | | treemacs |
pp | treemacs-project-at-point | | treemacs |
pr | treemacs-remove-project-from-workspace | | treemacs |
pt | treemacs-move-project-down | | treemacs |
ps | treemacs-move-project-up | | treemacs |
r | | rename | |
rf | treemacs-rename-file | | treemacs |
rp | treemacs-rename-project | | treemacs |
rr | treemacs-rename | | treemacs |
rw | treemacs-rename-workspace | | treemacs |
t | treemacs | | treemacs |
T | | toggles | |
Td | treemacs-toggle-show-dotfiles | | treemacs |
Tn | treemacs-toggle-node | | treemacs |
v | | visit node | |
va | treemacs-visit-node-ace | | treemacs |
vc | treemacs-visit-node-close-treemacs | | treemacs |
vn | treemacs-visit-node-default | | treemacs |
y | | yank | |
ya | treemacs-copy-absolute-path-at-point | | treemacs |
yp | treemacs-copy-project-path-at-point | | treemacs |
yr | treemacs-copy-relative-path-at-point | | treemacs |
yf | treemacs-copy-file | | treemacs |
My buffer-related keybindings are all prefixed by b
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | buffers | |
b | bufler-switch-buffer | | bufler |
B | bury-buffer | | |
c | clone-indirect-buffer | | |
C | clone-indirect-buffer-other-window | | |
l | bufler | | bufler |
d | kill-this-buffer | | |
D | kill-buffer | | |
h | dashboard-refresh-buffer | | dashboard |
m | switch-to-messages-buffer | | |
n | next-buffer | | |
p | previous-buffer | | |
r | counsel-buffer-or-recentf | | counsel |
R | rename-uniquely | | |
s | switch-to-scratch-buffer | | |
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | code | |
l | evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-lines | | evil-nerd-commenter |
n | hl-todo-next | | hl-todo |
p | hl-todo-previous | | hl-todo |
(defhydra hydra-flycheck
(:pre (flycheck-list-errors)
:post (quit-windows-on "*Flycheck errors*")
:hint nil)
("f" flycheck-error-list-set-filter "Filter")
("t" flycheck-next-error "Next")
("s" flycheck-previous-error "Previous")
("gg" flycheck-first-error "First")
("G" (progn (goto-char (point-max)) (flycheck-previous-error)) "Last")
("q" nil))
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | errors | |
. | hydra-flycheck/body | hydra-flycheck | |
l | counsel-flycheck | | counsel |
F | flyspell-hydra/body | flyspell-hydra | |
"ee" '(:keymap flycheck-command-map :package 'flycheck :wk "flycheck")
"ef" '(:keymap flyspell-mode-map :package 'flyspell :wk "flyspell")
My keybindings for file manipulation are prefixed by f
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | files | |
f | counsel-find-file | | counsel |
F | quick-find-files | | quick-find-files |
h | hexl-find-file | | |
r | counsel-recentf | | counsel |
s | save-buffer | | |
I also have some keybindings dedicated to opening specific files.
"fc" '((lambda ()
(quick-find-files nil "~/org/config/docs/emacs" "org"))
:wk "emacs config"
:package quick-find-files)
"fC" '((lambda ()
(quick-find-files nil "~/org/config/docs" "org"))
:wk "general config"
:package quick-find-files)
"fi" '((lambda ()
(find-file (concat user-emacs-directory "init.el")))
:which-key "init.el")
"fI" '((lambda ()
(quick-find-files nil
(expand-file-name "lisp" user-emacs-directory)
:which-key "elisp config"
:package quick-find-files)
"fR" '((lambda ()
(counsel-find-file ""
(concat user-emacs-directory
(file-name-as-directory "straight")
(file-name-as-directory "repos"))))
:which-key "straight package"
:package counsel)
"fS" '((lambda ()
(find-file "~/org/config/stumpwm.org"))
:which-key "stumpwm.org")
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | git | |
b | magit-blame | | magit |
c | magit-clone | | magit |
d | magit-dispatch | | magit |
i | magit-init | | magit |
s | magit-status | | magit |
l | magit-log | | magit |
y | my/yadm | | magit |
S | magit-stage-file | | magit |
U | magit-unstage-file | | magit |
f | | file | |
fd | magit-diff | | magit |
fc | magit-file-checkout | | magit |
fl | magit-file-dispatch | | magit |
fF | magit-find-file | | magit |
My keybindings for help are prefixed by h
Key | Function | Description |
| | help |
k | which-key-show-top-level | which-key |
i | info | |
I | info-display-manual | |
d | | describe |
dc | describe-char | |
dC | helpful-command | |
df | helpful-callable | |
di | describe-input-method | |
dk | helpful-key | |
dm | helpful-macro | |
dM | helpful-mode | |
dp | describe-package | |
ds | helpful-symbol | |
dv | helpful-variable | |
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | insert | |
u | counsel-unicode-char | | counsel |
y | ivy-yasnippet | | yasnippet |
My keybindings for jumping around are prefixed by j
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | jump | |
C | | avy copy | |
Cl | avy-copy-line | | avy |
Cr | avy-copy-region | | avy |
D | dired-jump-other-window | | |
U | my/avy-open-url | open-url | avy |
b | avy-pop-mark | | avy |
c | evil-avy-goto-char-timer | | avy |
d | dirvish-dwim | | dirvish |
f | counsel-file-jump | | counsel |
k | | avy kill | |
kL | avy-kill-ring-save-whole-line | | avy |
kR | avy-kill-ring-save-region | | avy |
kl | avy-kill-whole-line | | avy |
kr | avy-kill-region | | avy |
l | avy-goto-line | | avy |
m | | move | |
ml | avy-move-line | | avy |
mr | avy-move-region | | avy |
mt | avy-transpose-lines-in-region | | avy |
n | avy-next | | avy |
p | avy-prev | | avy |
u | my/avy-goto-url | goto-url | avy |
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | language | |
B | langtool-correct-buffer | | langtool |
b | langtool-check-buffer | | langtool |
c | langtool-check | | langtool |
C | langtool-correct-at-point | | langtool |
d | langtool-check-done | | langtool |
l | langtool-switch-default-language | | langtool |
p | langtool-show-message-at-point | | langtool |
r | langtool-correct-region | | langtool |
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | media | |
. | hydra-media/body | hydra-media | emms |
« | emms-player-mpd-previous | | emms |
» | emms-player-mpd-next | | emms |
c | emms-player-mpd-clear | | emms |
e | | emms | |
eb | emms-browser | | emms |
ep | emms-playlist-mode-go | | emms |
es | emms-player-mpd-show | | emms |
p | my/mpc-toggle | mpd-play-pause | |
s | emms-stop | | emms |
u | | update | |
um | emms-player-mpd-update-all | | emms |
uc | emms-cache-set-from-mpd-all | | emm s |
My keybindings for my projects are prefixed by p
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | project | |
! | projectile-run-shell-command-in-root | | projectile |
& | projectile-run-async-shell-command-in-root | | projectile |
b | counsel-projectile-switch-to-buffer | | counsel |
c | counsel-projectile | | counsel |
d | counsel-projectile-find-dir | | counsel |
e | projectile-edit-dir-locals | | projectile |
f | counsel-projectile-find-file | | counsel |
g | projectile-find-tag | | projectile |
k | project-kill-buffers | | |
p | counsel-projectile-switch-project | | cousel |
v | projectile-vc | | projectile |
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | refactor | |
i | evil-iedit-state/iedit-mode | iedit-mode | evil-iedit-state |
q | evil-iedit-state/quit-iedit-mode | quit-iedit-mode | evil-iedit-state |
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | org | |
c | org-capture | | org |
r | | roam | |
rb | org-mark-ring-goto | back | org-roam |
rB | org-roam-buffer-toggle | | org-roam |
rn | | nodes | |
rnf | org-roam-node-find | | org-roam |
rni | org-roam-node-insert | | org-roam |
rno | org-roam-node-open | | org-roam |
rnr | org-roam-node-random | | org-roam |
rnv | org-roam-node-visit | | org-roam |
rs | | sync | |
rsa | org-roam-db-autosync-mode | | org-roam |
rsc | org-roam-db-clear-all | | org-roam |
rsd | org-roam-db-diagnose-node | | org-roam |
rss | org-roam-db-sync | | org-roam |
ru | | ui | |
rua | org-roam-ui-add-to-local-graph | | org-roam |
ruo | org-roam-ui-open | | org-roam |
Emacs has native tabs available, which can be interesting when working on multiple projects at once between which we may want to switch. Tabs allow the user not to have multiple frames while keeping the advantages of having multiple frames.
My keybindings are prefixed by SPC TAB
Key | Function | Description |
| | tabs |
TAB | tab-switch | |
» | tab-next | |
« | tab-previous | |
c | tab-new | |
C | tab-new-to | |
d | tab-close | |
n | tab-next | |
p | tab-previous | |
r | tab-rename | |
The prefix here is T
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | text | |
e | string-edit-at-point | | string-edit-at-point |
u | downcase-region | | |
U | upcase-region | | |
z | hydra-zoom/body | | |
My toggle keybindings are prefixed by t
Key | Function | Description |
| | toggles |
TAB | tab-bar-mode | |
t | my/modify-frame-alpha-background/body | |
T | counsel-load-theme | |
d | | debug |
de | toggle-debug-on-error | |
dq | toggle-debug-on-quit | |
i | | input method |
it | toggle-input-method | |
is | set-input-method | |
A couple of keybindings are hidden from which-key, otherwise there’s not much to say. The prefix here is w
Key | Function | Description | Package |
| | windows | |
c | evil-window-left | | evil |
t | evil-window-down | | evil |
s | evil-window-up | | evil |
r | evil-window-right | | evil |
. | windows-adjust-size/body | | |
- | split-window-below-and-focus | | |
$ | winum-select-window-by-number | | winum |
0 | winum-select-window-0-or-10 | none | winum |
1 | winum-select-window-1 | none | winum |
2 | winum-select-window-2 | none | winum |
3 | winum-select-window-3 | none | winum |
4 | winum-select-window-4 | none | winum |
5 | winum-select-window-5 | none | winum |
6 | winum-select-window-6 | none | winum |
7 | winum-select-window-7 | none | winum |
8 | winum-select-window-8 | none | winum |
9 | winum-select-window-9 | none | winum |
b | kill-buffer-and-delete-window | | |
d | delete-window | | |
o | other-window | | |
D | delete-other-windows | | |
w | | writeroom | |
w. | writeroom-buffer-width/body | | writeroom-mode |
ww | writeroom-mode | | writeroom-mode |
Why would I ever use any of these keybindings? They are prefixed with q
Key | Function | Description |
| | quit |
f | delete-frame | |
q | save-buffers-kill-terminal | |
Q | kill-emacs | |